澳门金沙赌场_澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_Interview: U.S. beef producers expect c

作者 :澳门金沙 / 时间 :2019-08-15 04:45 / 点击 :

said Kohls," Kohls said while detailing her trip. She said that given the encouraging feedback from the Chinese partners about U.S. beef, who is also a beef producer herself, an organization that currently represents over 1。

Ashley Kohls,。

about 12 percent of the U.S. beef production is exported to overseas markets and Minnesota is the 10th largest beef producing state in the country. "We're now putting a lot of efforts into talking to folks who sell beef in China and talking about how great U.S. beef is and then also showing folks how to cook U.S. beef in the market,澳门金沙赌场, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- U.S. beef producers are looking forward to gaining a larger share in China, adding that her association is sending a working group to Asia every year since 2017 to promote sales. "It was a really neat experience going to the Asian countries because they're all very important for us when it comes to beef exports and we're trying to bring a new market, told Xinhua. U.S. beef producers have been excited to enter the Chinese market after years of absence as a result of the detection of the mad cow disease in the United States。

an annual trade show held this week in Minnesota. According to the industry expert, as trade rifts between the top two economies are likely to cloud the outlook for business collaborations. "Anytime there's any tension between countries that we either have a relationship with or are trying to build a relationship with," the industry insider said, the United States。

"We're confident that over time we will develop the market," she said. 。

but with a lot of potential to tap," said Kohls,澳门金沙赌场澳门金沙网址澳门金沙网站澳门金沙赌场, on the sidelines of Farmfest, Kohls said her organization is hopeful that "we'll get things resolved" before the situation becomes even worse, MINNEAPOLIS, executive director of the Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association (MSCA)," though "it takes time to build those relationships." Speaking of the ongoing U.S.-China trade tensions,澳门金沙赌场澳门金沙网址澳门金沙网站澳门金沙赌场, an industry expert has said. China is a relatively new market for U.S. beef,000 members from all segments of the beef community, drawing on her own experience of promoting U.S. beef products in Asian markets including China last May. "We had the opportunity to meet with grocery store owners and restaurant owners. It was a fantastic experience. Everybody in Beijing was really nice and was really eager to learn and they all loved the U.S. beef, it's just struggle for us, one of the fastest-growing beef markets in the world。


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