澳门金沙赌场_澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_U.S. labeling China as currency manipul
the U.S. scholar said. ,澳门金沙赌场, who previously served as a member of former U.S. President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers. The Chinese authorities' recent decision to let the Chinese yuan slip below the seven mark against the U.S. dollar may well have been a deliberate response to Trump's latest tariff offensive, and a large current-account surplus. "Neither of these apply to China today, said Jeffrey Frankel。
BEIJING, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. assertion that the recent depreciation of the Chinese yuan against the U.S. dollar amounts to currency manipulation is not true,澳门金沙赌场,澳门金沙网址,澳门金沙网站, 澳门金沙赌场," said Frankel。
a U.S. scholar has said. It would be more correct to say that the Chinese authorities gave in to market pressure -- the immediate source of which was none other than U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement of new tariffs on Chinese goods, Frankel added. The real significance of the U.S. decision to label China a currency manipulator is that it represents a further escalation of the two countries' avoidable trade war, in his signed article titled "The Currency Manipulation Game" published Friday on Project Syndicate website. Trump tweeted on Aug. 1 that he will place an additional 10 percent tariff on the remaining 300 billion U.S. dollars' worth of Chinese imports starting on Sept. 1. The task of evaluating whether U.S. trading partners manipulate their currencies lies with the U.S. Treasury Department,澳门金沙赌场,澳门金沙网址,澳门金沙网站, 澳门金沙赌场, professor of Capital Formation and Growth at Harvard University, which uses three criteria. Two of the three criteria coincide with internationally agreed yardsticks for manipulation under the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund: persistent one-sided intervention by the country to push down the value of its currency,。