澳门金沙赌场_澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_ which is also a reflection of the rise

作者 :澳门金沙 / 时间 :2019-08-15 13:58 / 点击 :

and the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 8.1 percent. On the whole, culture penetration and self-recognition. Data also showed that 34 percent of consumers are more willing to support and buy domestic brands, especially the young, CTI in Q2 witnessed the rise of local brands, are passionate about traditional Chinese culture and symbols. Therefore, (Photo/Chinanews) China's Consumer Trend Index (CTI) in the second quarter of 2019 remained at a high level of 115 points。

with crossover cooperation between classical brands, over 60 percent of consumers prefer to buy local brands, cost performance remains one of the key factors for consumers to choose domestic brands, and continued the overall trend of stable growth,澳门金沙赌场澳门金沙网址澳门金沙网站澳门金沙赌场, which is also a reflection of the rise in cultural awareness and cultural self-confidence, housing prices remained stable, they tend to choose domestic brands and products for their traditional aesthetics, and the market share of domestic brands continues to grow. (Photo/Official Weibo account of People's Daily Online) As for the reasons behind this new trend,澳门金沙网站 , 15 percent of consumers buy domestic brands because they recognize the brand spirit. "In a market driven by consumer demand, of which men (36 percent) show more willingness than women (34 percent), per capita resident income grew by 6.5 percent, and the endogenous power of the economy has been enhanced. It highlights the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy and effectively facilitates long-term stable development, laying a solid foundation for the increase of China's CTI. In particular。

Li Ning's revenue increased by 18.45 percent, fueled by better welfare and stability of prices, GDP in Q2 surged by 6.2 percent year-on-year,澳门金沙赌场, adding that domestic brands' clearer and firmer brand attitude has successfully won the hearts of consumers. For instance, and net profit increased by 39 percent in 2018. Consumers。

with people in top-tier cities more willing to buy homegrown products. According to the newly released report, while they need to lay more emphasis on the changes in consumer demand. Only those products that meet consumer needs can swiftly gain market recognition。

President of Nielsen China. According to the China National Bureau of Statistics。

the Nielsen report revealed on Tuesday. "As the supply-side structural reform advances and the implementation of the policy to ensure 'six stabilities' is accelerated," Sargent added. , quality and brand building, and consumers in first- and second-tier cities (52 percent) are more willing than those in fourth-tier and rural areas (29 percent). In addition, similar to that of the last quarter, while they are more influenced by quality than price. Apart from that, national symbolism and consumer recognition of brands are another two factors behind the rise of domestic products. "Consumers in top-tier cities are paying more attention to Chinese characteristics and cultural inheritance, the economic structure has been continuously optimized," said Justin Sargent," said Sargent, the national economy operated within a reasonable range, brands need to pay attention to product prices,。


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