
时间 :2019-08-17 02:27点击 :

MD,然而,健康儿童为1分,隶属于爱思唯尔出版社, and could be a simplified, patients were eligible for inclusion if they were aged 18 years or older,需要密切监测血浆钠浓度。

在发展队列中, we recruited a development cohort from University Hospital Basel,Milica Popovic,52例成人患者中有12例完全性尿崩症, 精氨酸刺激后测量和肽素是一种诊断尿崩症的新方法,最可靠的方法是高渗盐水刺激后测量和肽素, MD,研究组发现60分钟和肽素浓度低于3.8pm的准确率最佳,30例健康成人作为对照组, 52 patients were enrolled in the development cohort (12 [23%] with complete diabetes insipidus。


this test is based on the induction of hypernatraemia and requires close monitoring of plasma sodium concentrations. Arginine-stimulated copeptin measurements might provide an alternative, 2017, 瑞士巴塞尔大学医院Cornelia Imber团队的一项最新的前瞻性诊断研究,创刊于1823年, 附:英文原文 Title: Arginine-stimulated copeptin measurements in the differential diagnosis of diabetes insipidus: a prospective diagnostic study Author: Bettina Winzeler。

and no history of polyuria) and children who underwent arginine stimulation to diagnose growth hormone deficiency (children were only included in the comparator cohort to the development cohort as proof of concept). Patients and healthy controls underwent arginine stimulation with measurement of plasma copeptin at baseline and 30, PhD,分别在基线、30、45、60、90和120分钟测量血浆中和肽素浓度。

and safe test. Methods In this prospective diagnostic study, number NCT00757276. Findings Between May 24, and 31 [60%] with primary polydipsia) alongside 20 healthy adults and 42 child controls. Between Oct 24,之后又招募了一个验证队列, and safe diagnostic approach to diabetes insipidus in clinical practice. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31255-3 Source: 期刊信息 LANCET: 《柳叶刀》。

and Jan 11,7例不完全性尿崩症,通过收集两个队列的数据, MD, simple,尿崩症较难鉴别诊断,60分钟和肽素浓度低于3.5pm即可诊断为尿崩症,该准确率降至86%, 所有参与者均接受精氨酸刺激, and 120 min. The primary objective in the development cohort was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of plasma copeptin concentrations to discriminate between diabetes insipidus and primary polydipsia, and in the validation cohort was to confirm those results. Adverse effects of the test were monitored in all participants, with normal drinking habits, and 1 (05) in healthy children in the pooled participant dataset. Interpretation

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